Eikeland Pottery
Eikeland Pottery will be on sale at the annual SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY show


Sign the guestbook by entering your name and email address.


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We enjoy looking at your pottery, Mr. Eikeland. We hope to touch it one of these days..... and PURCHASE SOME!
-- Truly Guest, 12/14/14

Hi Mark, Thought of you yesterday, typed in your name on my iPad and there you were. It is great to see you doing what you love. Send me a note sometime, would love to hear some of the adventures you've had the last (eek) almost 40 years. The pottery looks great!
-- Ken Lenz, 10/24/13

Great stuff you have going, Markie !!
-- Mj Swendsen, 1/27/13

OMGOMGOMG...brilliant web site. I am now going to send it to all my friends. You go, kids!
-- Pb, 12/20/12

I love your website! I love the pottery and the work you both do to keep it going! And I love you guys so much!
-- Cathy Wold, 12/9/12

CEO Peggy thats pretty big stuff,we love your work Mark and enjoy it in our home every day.See you at the show if not sooner. Pat
-- Pat Richardson, 11/29/12

WOW! This is terrific. Where've you been hiding the link? Looking forward to your sale this Sunday. Love you and your pottery! Mary
-- Mary Mccrea, 11/28/12

i love m's pottery and don't like inputting computer security codes...
-- Verdoesenstiel, 11/28/12

This is wonderful! Congrats. Look forward to seeing the new work and the two of you!
-- Denny Peterson-greene, 11/28/12

 Eikeland PotteryStanwood, WA13607082980